RIPA dark cloud ascended on our club and all its members when we heard of the unexpected death of Maurice (Mossie) Hyland R.I.P. last Wednesday, Mossie a proud club man, a player, a medal winner south and county, a referee, board member, and committee member, and a staunch supporter of the club he loved all his life, every single member of Cahir GAA Club want to offer their condolences to the Hyland family and extended family and friends of Mossie, our thoughts are with the Hyland family at this very sad time, May he rest in peace.
Ladies Gaelic FootballCongratulation to the Tipperary Intermediate ladies football team and our own six club
Ladies who were part of the panel who overcame Limerick in the Munster championship last Saturday, especially Rachel O Donnell who had a rare start at corner back and Riosin Howard back from injury and boy! Did she take to the task well by scoring four goals to set the team up for a huge win, also back from injury, Aoife Corcoran came on for the last ten minutes, Tipperary 8-16 Limerick 1-03 , well done ladies.
County Draw, This is your last chance if you are thinking of joining the draw for this year as the deadline is now June 9th, if you have signed up with us we thank you and wish you the best of luck in the draw, if you want to join please ask any club officer or email the address at the end of these notes and we will put you on the right track, but be quick all entries must be in by Thursday, thank again.
Celtic Challenge U17Congratulations to Nicholas Reidy and Stephen Grogan, (picture on the left) who represented our club as part of the South Tipperary U17 hurling team who beat West Waterford last week, Stephen (pictured on the right) was also voted the player of the match, well done to the both Stephen and Nicholas, great stuff lads.
ExamsWe would like to wish the best of luck to all our young men and women, who are taking part in the leaving and junior certs, which start next Wednesday, hope it all goes well for everybody.
Draw the JokerOur weekly fun game and fund raiser is still going strong and that's thanks to you for your continued support, this week's winners were as follows: Yvonne Fahy, Cllr. Marie Murphy, Anne O'Mahoney, Grainne Dunne and Martina Dooley. The Shamrock Lounge will be the venue next week when the jackpot will be €10,000.00.
AnniversariesA couple of anniversaries we want to share with you first, Liam and Pattie Costigan, and John and Annemarie O'Donoghue both have wedding anniversaries around this time congratulations all and also to the Shamrock Lounge which Hughie and Margret O'Donoghue opened thirty years ago last weekend, best of luck for the next thirty guys.
It's nearly summer time and as usual a few of our players head off to the states for the summer months and this year is no exception, best of luck to brothers, Cormac and Keelan Looby and to Brian McKenna who all head off soon , have a blast lads and remember to send us a picture or two.
Its summer timeWhere will our club colours travel this summer?
Well! We want your pics of you in your Cahir GAA top, new or old, senior, juvenile, camogie or ladies football it doesn't matter, boys and girls and yes adults as well, let's see where our colours go, from Cahir to Cork, from Ardfinnan to Alaska and everywhere in between, so! Let's have those pictures, you can email them to, and we will take it from there, who knows we might even give a prize to the best picture at the end of the summer, Get snapping everyone!!, remember it must be Cahir GAA colours, all pictures will be on our Facebook page during the summer thanks guys.
Netting in DuneskeGreat to see all the ball stopping nets were repaired or replaced in the three playing fields in Duneske recently, a good investment for the future, not cheap but well worth it.
We want to hear from you, if you want to share an occasion, a birthday or whatever the news is, (pictures would be great) you can contact us at the following email address thank you.