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Moloney welcomes €5m Waste water upgrade for Cahir

Cllr Andy Moloney has long campaigned for an upgrade of the waste water treatment plant in Cahir and has welcomed the news that the facility will see an investment of €5m with works to start in Qtr 1 of 2023. 

Capacity at the cahir plant was under pressure and any future development of the town was going to be at risk without essential works to the WWTP.

Constant lobbying has kept the plant in the face of Irish Water and the works can now be accelerated as part of the €8bn announced recently. 

On a day when there is a national outcry about water quality, these works will improve water in the River Suir and help boost the economic and social growth within Cahir and the hinterlands. Works should take 15 months to complete once they start. 

Finances are secured, this will be a multi-million euro investment, in the region of €5million. Planning is secured. There are no land or wayleave requirements or issues. Procurement of the Design & Build project is at an advanced stage. Approval of tender sum will be required from Irish Water's Governance Board.Anticipated contract start date is Q1 2023. 

The plant upgrade will result in improvements to water quality in the River Suir and support social and economic growth within Cahir.
